- Jacket - A covering over insulated conductors for the purpose of electrical, chemical, and physical protection.
- Jamming - When the combined diameters of three cables roughly equal the interior diameter of the conduit, the cables can line up linearly as they are pulled around the bend. The cables then wedge against the conduit wall as they are forced towards the inside of the
- JIT - Just in Time
- Johnny Ball - Slang for "Guy Strain Insulator".
- Joule - 1) Work done by the force of one neutron when its point of application moves through the distance of one meter in the direction of the force. 2) One watt-second.
- Jumper - An electrical connection between two points.
- Junction, 200 Amp - A "200 Amp Junction" is a molded synthetic and composite device used to connect two or more 200 Amp rated cables operating at Meduim Voltage (4-35KV nominal). Connections to the cables are made via "200 Amp Elbows".
- Junction, 600 Amp - A "600 Amp Junction" is a molded synthetic and composite device used to connect two or more 600 or 900 Amp rated cables operating at Meduim Voltage (4-35KV nominal). Connections to the cables are made via "T-Bodies".
Source : www.youngco.com
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