Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) is studying a plan to reroute a 275 kV transmission line, currently being built to channel electricity generated by the RM3 Billion Murum Hydro Dam to the Sarawak Coridor of Renewable Energy (SCORE), to facilate the construction of another dam in Balepeh.
The letter, located in the upper reaches of the Balui River where the 944 MW Murum Dam is being built, can generate 110 MW. The RM100 Million transmission line, originally scheduled for completion in the third quarter of 2012 - a year ahead of the first power to be commercially produced by the Murum Dam, would connect the latter to the transmission system near Bakun.
The Murum Dam Project, which was 44 % completed, is located about 60 km upstream of the Bakun Dam. SEB also identified other hydro dam projects upsream of the Balui River, namely Linau (290 MW) and Danun (200 MW). Undertaken by Three Gorges Development Corp (M) under a single contract with SEB, the Murum Dam comprises several key components namely, a 145m high roller-compacted concrete dam, intake and 2.7 km long tunnels supplying water to a 944 MW power house.
The Murum Dam is a key part of the SCOPE project and would be the next major hydro generation project to be commissioned after the Bakun Dam. Murum electricity power is slated to come in time to take up power demand from SCORE industries which the Bakun Dam is unable to meet.
Source : BERNAMA News
sarawak energy berhad, murum hydro dam, bakun hydro dam, score, sarawak coridor of renewable energy, murum hydroelectric dam, bakun hydroelectric dam, energy news